Okayama Kurashiki Pilipino Circle

Okayama Kurashiki Pilipino Circle

Kurashiki Pilipino Circle (KPC)

日本語 =>


Kurashiki Pilipino Circle (KPC) has been running for eight years now.  The organization was previously known as Okayama Pilipino Circle (OPC) however there also exists a duplicate organization name during that time, so that was how KPC's name was brought to the lime light.  As time passes by KPC from a small group, surprisingly grew and flourished, members and staffs are highly increasing in numbers.  A number of Filipinos with their families and friends who are living in Japan signed up and became active in church and communal activities. 

There are lots of things that can help an organization grow, but the most important step in the growth of an organization is that organizations are not entities that can grow by themselves; organisation do not grow.  An organization can imporve in all aspects through increase efficiencies, creative approaches and most of all the one prime ingredient - it's people!

In view of this, KPC with its' great mission/vision of uniting Filipinos, Japanese and other citizens who are living in Japan and neighboring countires, would like to inform everyone that the current name "KPC" have recently been changed to "OKPC" (Okayama Kurashiki Pilipino Circle) due to overwhelming growth of members from different sides of Japan in general.  Despite the change, there is no change in management and OKPC will sitll provide the same care, services and Filipino cultural education to the young generation rooted in Christ's name.  By the name change we are hoping to expand the organization and keep up the good reputation we have had for over 8 years.  We hope for your continuous support and noble thoughts for the good and success of OKPC. Thank You. 

◆ Marjorie Oyama 090-1683-4535
