倉敷市民からの応援メッセージ ニュージーランド オリンピック ウエイトリフティング選手の皆さんへ
2018年・2019年,倉敷にて「ニュージーランド ウエイトリフティング ナショナルチーム」の事前キャンプを実施しました。その時の合同練習でともに汗を流した倉敷市のウエイトリフティング選手や監督,倉敷商業高等学校ウエイトリフティング部, そして,交流のあった中洲小学校からニュージーランドの選手に応援メッセージをお届けします。
In 2018 and 2019, Olympic Weightlifting New Zealand training camps were held in Kurashiki, Olympic Host Town to New Zealand. At that time, Kurashiki lifters and students from the Kurashiki Commercial High School Weightlifting Club participated in joint training sessions. The Kiwi athletes also spent a day with students at Nakasu Elementary School.
These are messages from Kurashiki lifters who trained with the Kiwi athletes; and students and teachers from Nakasu elementary school. The videos also features a "cheering flag" made of Kurashiki denim with a lot of messages of support written by Kurashiki citizens.
This video is a collection of messages from Kurashiki lifters who trained with the Kiwi athletes during their stay.
The following video collects messages of support from current members of Kurashiki Commercial High School Weightlifting Club. Some of the messages on the cheering flag were also written by them.
This video collects messages of support from students and teachers in Nakasu elementary school .