Anita Maltbia

Anita Maltbia

Kansas City - Sister City Success Story.


123Anita Maltbia, director of Kansas City's "Green Impact Zone" an initiative aimed at revitalising and improving housing conditions through the rehabilitation and weatherization of homes in troubled parts of the inner city, will speak in Kurashiki early in 2011. The Green Impact Zone concentrates resources — with funding, coordination, and public and private partnerships — in one specific area to literally transform a community.

English Presentation with Japanese Translation

■Date: Tuesday, Jan 18th 15.00~16.30
■Place: Lifepark Kurashiki
■Participants:  Up to 70 (free entry, application required)
■Speaker Anita Maltbia
■Topic The Green Impact Zone:A model of community revitalisation   
■Application Deadline: Tuesday, Jan 11th
■Applications and enquires to the following:
  American Consulate Kansai American Center